Saturday, December 12, 2015

Fear the Russian Melodic Death Metal Army - Equilibrium Falls - An Interview with guitarist Mr. Alexei Saveliev

1. Hello Mr.Alexei! How have you been doing? before we start, please tell us about how did you start your journey in metal!

Alexei: Hi! I'm doing fine and hope everything is good with you. Thanks!
I actually started off with various 80's bands... I don't really remember, it was a long time ago! It kind of gradually grew into and interest by itself.

2. Who has been your inspiration or the band's influence in a whole? I believe Equilibrium Falls plays melodic
death metal, how did you guys come up with this awesome sub-genre?

Alexei: Well, obviously Swedish melodic death metal. But I try to incorporate everything I like in music in general, not only melodic death.
We have had people say that we have our own sound, like you said "sub-genre" and that's great. It's great when people recognize the
subtle individuality in music. In fact there will be much more of that on the album we are working on just now.

3. Can you tell us about your hometown and Russian metal scene? and how do you feel about it?

Alexei: I'll be honest's non-existent. It's kind of like: there is a scene but at the same time it's almost like there isn't.
Unfortunately we don't really have a proper metal scene in Russia today.
The music industry here is awful, it does not allow good bands to develop and grow properly.
How do I feel about it? Like everyone else who takes music and metal seriously. It's obviously disappointing.
I wish I could change something but changes have to be made on a much larger scale. People's attitude towards musicians
and bands has to change, that is the starting point.

4. Tell us about your success and response regarding the EP you have released last year !

Alexei: The response is really good. There are people from all over the world who write nice things regarding our work. And that's awesome!
It's great that there are people out there who like what we do. Plus it means that we are moving in the right direction and that is also good to know.

5. You guys have been making out some awesome album covers, who is the magician behind such masterpieces ?

Alexei: Based on the meaning or theme of the release we come up with the ideas for the covers ourselves and then someone else realizes our ideas. In the case of the EP our friend did it and the cover for the single was made by a Russian designer Pavel Kurbanov. But so far the actual ideas for the covers belong solely to us.

6. What is the significance of the band name "Equilibrium Falls" ?

I think everyone should find their own meaning for themselves. It's more interesting when people think about it 
and try to discover their own thing in lyrics or band names...and it makes the meaning more personal for each individual listener.

7. Have you been touring Russia? and any plans for an international tour?

Alexei: Unfortunately no. The reason for this is that we have had constant problems with our line-up. In the last 1-2 years, for different personal reasons
various musicians decided to leave the band. And obviously it's impossible to play gigs without a drummer or a singer.
Finding a replacement is also very difficult and takes a lot of time.
Sure it would be great to play in other countries and hopefully in the future we will be able to do this. That would be awesome.

8. Do you think playing metal can be taken as a profession worth a good payment? What are your thoughts about the labels?

Alexei : It's difficult to say... The obvious thing to say is - if your band is famous enough then yes, you can. But how to get to that stage is another issue.
I think primarily it's about doing what you love. If I get paid for it-great, if not - well I'll still be writing and playing metal. As for labels - that's a difficult one to answer. But from what I know and understand labels have suffered greatly due to the changes in the music industry. And this creates doubts regarding working with labels.
It used to be that bands needed labels to survive. Nowadays it seems like the labels are trying to survive by holding on to the handful of successful bands which made it big in the 90's and early 2000's. I may be wrong but that's just the impression I have of what's going on.

10. Do you want to mention any co-musicians/bands whom you think are really influencing the scene?

Alexei : I think all of us are trying. As far as our local bands go you can check out The Nomad, Flamorn, Count to Six.
Check out Ionic Bond! Not a local one but they're great.

 "It was a nice chat with you Mr.Alexei! Wish you all the best!"
    - Mir Hisham

Interview Dated : 10/12/2015

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